Reflection in the Early Family Lives Cultivation of Integration and Differentiation

Reflection in the Early Family Lives Cultivation of Integration and Differentiation

please read the article “The Early Family Lives of Highly Creative Persons: The Influence of the Complex Family” by Gute, Gute, Nakamura, and Csikszentmihalyi (2008).

Drawing from a subset of the participants who provided the sample for the study reported in Csikszentmihalyi’s book Creativity: Flow and Psychology of Discovery and Invention, the article reports our analysis of how the parents of these participants implemented complexity principles while raising their children.

Include some reflection on the ways your family did or did not cultivate integration, differentiation, or both, during your childhood.

6 paragraphs( 8-9 sentences/each)

hi, it’s a class talk about creativity

I am a public health student

Mother of three littles

International student and muslim

I mentioned before that l love cook and painting

All these information just to put in consider.

I will send you the article now

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