Provide a rationale/reason for each of these problems

Provide a rationale/reason for each of these problems

You are on 3rd year placement in the cardiac ward, you are on an early
shift, it is currently 0830. One of your allocated patients is Mr Manor who
is a 77 year old man who was admitted with an acute anterior MI 2 days
ago. He has just rung the bell, on entering the room he appears extremely
short of breath, he states that he can’t get his breath. His last set of
observations were taken at 0800 and were BP 100/70, HR 98, RR 24,
Temp 36.7, SpO2 96% on Room air (RA). He is alert and orientated.

Please provide a plan of care that addresses the actual and potential
needs/problems and the interventions required to be able to provide safe
and effective care for Mr Manor for the remainder of your shift. Your
discussion should include pathophysiology and pharmacology if
appropriate and must provide a rationale for the potential needs/problems

and interventions.

Q1.  List the actual and potential problems for this patient

Here I am giving Actual and potential problems:

Actual Problems:i. Shortness of Breath( Dyspnea)

ii.Acute MI

iii. Tachypnea

Potential problem: i.Heart failure

  1. Arrhythmia

iii. Pulmonary edema


  1. MI

Q2. Provide a rationale/reason for each of these problems

Give a reasoning/explanation behind every one of these issues: both potential and Actual.

In the second Question   Please provide pathophysiology  and pharmacology of each condition (both actual and potential problem)

List all the appropriate interventions in order of priority (be specific).

all the intervention related with AMI and other actual and potential problems.

Provide a rationale/reason for each of these interventions in order of priority

Give reason why these Intervention chosen .

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