Professional Trajectory-How to improve the writing skill in graduate school

Professional Trajectory-How to improve the writing skill in graduate school

The Instructions for Essay #2 are the following:

In 2-paragraphs, answer the following:

What have been the most important and interesting topics in your course readings and discussions?

In 2-paragraphs, answer the following:

How have your previous views (or opinions) been reshaped or changed? Have any views been challenged? Why or why not?

In 2-paragraphs, answer the following:

How will you apply your new knowledge to your everyday life in graduate school and at work?

In 2-paragraphs, answer the following:

In what ways, do you feel excited by your experiences in graduate school?

for the first question ,the topic is grammar and different between writing and speaking

the total topic is how to improve the writing skill in graduate school

Answer preview:

how to improve the writing skill in graduate school

word limit:600