Portraiture and representations of Religious figures and their interpretation

 Portraiture and representations of Religious figures and their interpretation

TopicPortraiture and representations of Religious figures and their interpretation (these could be self-portraits, too)

Words1200-1500 words

In a separate file (Word or PDF preferred), you will turn in a description of the exhibition. This document will consist of an introduction (tell us about your theme, and how you are tracing that theme through these works), at least one paragraph per work (explain how each one relates to the major theme, why you chose it, what it can tell us about its particular time period/culture/context, its meaning/function and its intended audience,should be more than 200 words). Finish with a brief conclusion that ties everything together.

Citations/Bibliography: If you rely on any material that doesn’t come from your class notes, you should provide bibliographic citations in the form of footnotes or parenthetical citations. If you use parenthetical citations, please include a bibliography at the end. If you use footnotes, be sure to give complete bibliographic information the first time you refer to a source, and then you can abbreviate in later references (and you can avoid a separate bibliography).

The introduction should clearly state the theme being explored in the exhibition, name the chosen works in the order in which they are presented–this can be chronological or thematic–and briefly explain the overall concept of grouping these works together. The conclusion should be a reminder of the overall thesis of the exhibition and serve to draw together all of the pieces presented into a cohesive message. This is a good place to wrap up all of your points

lA truly excellent introduction and conclusion that are well-written and complete, with a thesis statement suggesting the analysis that the student will make in the discussions for each work and following up with an analytical statement that wraps up the exhibition.

In the body of the exhibition, you will dedicate at least one paragraph (per work) to analyzing that work in terms of how it relates to your overall exhibition theme and to its particular context. Consider the classic questions of who? what? why? where? and how? as you write each paragraph. How do we see different approaches to the same theme represented in each example? With a minimum of 5 works required on the exam, each missing work will be penalized 13 points, and this will be deducted AFTER the score is determined based on the scale below).

lExcellent choices accompanied by great discussions. The theme of the exhibition is easy to follow through both the student’s choices and the commentary provide for each work.

hi, I already pick 5 art works and you only need use the 5 art works write an essay.

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Portraiture and Representations of Religious figures and their interpretation

word limit:687