Philip Barry’s Message about Living Life.

Philip Barry’s Message about Living Life.

You have the option to complete Paper 2 on Willa Cather’s The Song of the Lark or on the upcoming play by Philip Barry, The Youngest. If you did not complete Paper 2 on Cather’s novel two weeks ago, you MUST complete the paper on Barry’s play this week.

If you plan to go ahead with the paper this week, you have two options: for Paper 2, please answer ONEof the following prompts on Philip Barry’s The Youngest:

Multiple lines of work are presented in Philip Barry’s play The Youngest, including, among others, law, business, and art. Please pick one line of work in the play and explain if it is depicted as dignified or if its dignity has been degraded. In addition to relying on the text of the play, please use Laborem Exercensas a basis for your response.


What is Philip Barry’s message about living life as an artist through his play The Youngest? Please explain how your claim about his message aligns with any of Pope John Paul II’s messages about labor as conveyed in his encyclical Laborem Exercens.

Paper 2 in its entirety should be, not including the Works Cited page, no fewer than two and no more than three, double-spaced pages with one-inch margins, written in 12-pt Times New Roman font. You may organize it as you’d like, but it must be clear, coherent, cohesive, developed, and thoughtful. As always, it must adhere to the standards of sound writing, including with regard to standard MLA, punctuation, mechanics, grammar, and spelling. Cite as necessary following MLA guidelines. Also, please be sure to title your paper and to avoid second person. Please name your file your last name plus Paper2, so, for example, “SanchezPaper2.” Please recall from the syllabus that the paper must be submitted as a Word file.

Willa Cather’s The Song of the Lark prompt options:

Which one of Thea’s difficulties and hardships most affects her artistic life and in what significant way(s)? Please take a stance on this, drawing on Willa Cather’s The Song of the Lark to support your stance. In some significant way, please incorporate Pope John Paul II’s Laborem Exercens.


Does Thea’s path as an artist exemplify the dignity of labor or is the dignity that should be present somehow compromised? Please take a stance on this issue, drawing on Willa Cather’s The Song of the Lark and Pope John Paul II’s Laborem Exercens to support your stance.

nothing to add just pick one of the topics. And please please please check the plagiarism i got caught for this paper before and this is the redo for it

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