Online Activity and Evaluation

Online Activity and Evaluation

Project Details
Paper Topic : Online Activity and Evaluation
Style : APA Language Style : English (U.K.)
Type of Assignment : Assessment
Acedemic Level : A-diploma Number of words : 1500
Number of Sources : 6
Order Instructions
TASK The task will be complete in two parts. In Part A you will develop an online learning activity for your learners of approximately 10 minutes, and Part B will provide an evaluation of this learning activity based on what you have learned in this subject. PART A (200-500 words) Develop an online activity for learners of your choice, using a free online learning technology tool (or a combination of technologies). A list of possible technologies is provided in topic 2, plus, you can also look at the discussion board for ideas. The activity must be interactive. The activity should not require a sign in from the marker or your peers to view it. The plan To develop a 10 minute online activity for learners, using H5P. The resource will be related to the unit CHCEDS025 Facilitate learning for students with disabilities within the Certificate IV in Education Support qualification as follows: The learning outcomes being addressed by the learning activity.  Develop a basic knowledge of a range of disabilities  Identify and describe the nature and description of a range of disabilities The learners’ needs, who are they and what do I expect of them.  Learners are preparing to become Education Assistants supporting students with disabilities within mainstream or education support school settings.  Learners range in age and experience from school leavers to mature age students. They may have previous experience working in a school and are looking to upskill to provide specialist support for students with additional needs. Others may be looking to enter into this field of work.  This learning resource will help build knowledge and skills to be able to effectively contribute to learning experiences for students with a range of disabilities How this technology creates an experience for learners that is interactive, meets their needs, and addresses learning outcomes.  The H5P platform was designed specifically to be interactive and engaging.  Addresses different learning styles, students can go back to resource as needed, can be adapted to different groups of students and modes of delivery.  Activities will specifically address the objectives above related to UoC requirements of providing support to teachers of students with disabilities and contributing to education adjustments for students with disabilities. The learning theories I have used in the development/application of this resource.  Adult learning principles  VAKT learning styles  Experiential Learning  Constructivism  Connectivism References: Kukulska-Hulme, A., & Traxler, J. (2019). Design Principles for Learning with Mobile Devices. In H. Beetham & R. Sharpe (Eds.), Rethinking Pedagogy for a digital age: Principles and Practices of Design. (pp. 181 – 196). Routledge. Colosi, R. (2026, October 28). H5P For Teachers: Creating Interactive Online Content for LMS Platforms [Video file]. YouTube. You will need to specify the learning outcomes for the activity and ensure the activity/technology is accessible to the diverse needs of your students/clients. You will submit this by publishing it on your CSU Thinkspace blog and submitting an accessible URL on your assessment cover sheet via EASTS. Remember to double check this URL from a computer that you do not ordinarily use, to make sure that it can be accessed, viewed and marked. PART B (1200 words) In Part B, you will evaluate the activity that you created in Part A in a written document submitted via EASTS. In your evaluation you will need to address the following: • Your vocation/area of interest, the intended audience and the learning outcomes for the activity you create. • The reasons for using this technology, and how you have responded to learners’ needs. • Analyse the learning activity you have created and the technology you have used in relation to TWO adult learning theories. • Discuss how you incorporated feedback into your activity and your experience of the reflective cycle in this subject. The length of this evaluation should be 1200 words. A template for this analysis can be found in the ‘Assessment 3’ tab on the left hand navigation menu of the Interact2 site. Be sure to include the coversheet for this assignment (available in the assessment 3 tab on the Interact site) with your submission. Word Count: +/- 10% of the stipulated word count. Reference list, appendix and images/tables/graphs etc will not be included in the word count. RATIONALE This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s: • be able to describe a range of educational technologies and position them within a learning theory framework. • be able to display a critical perspective on the potential value of educational technologies. • be able to critically evaluate educational technology resources using criteria derived from a range of appropriate learning theories. • be able to articulate the broad issues associated with the use of computer technologies in teaching and learning, particularly in terms of inclusivity. • be able to respond to the needs of different types of learners in different flexible delivery contexts. This assessment completes a cycle of reflection from trailing different technologies, creating a draft, responding to feedback, creating an online learning activity, and analysing the final product. This task is designed for students to apply their knowledge of adult learning theories to respond to learners, evaluate their use of online tools and discuss broad issues with technology.

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