Observe rusting in nails and silver washers both in Di water and Di water and salt.

Observe rusting in nails and silver washers both in Di water and Di water and salt.

Order Summary
Type of assignment:Assessment
Academic level:College Level
Referencing style:Harvard
Number of sources:3
Client country:Australia (UK English)

Assignment extract:
I have been working in lap I take some measurements and I did some work see the attached please… Laboratory activity and project work about imprinted letter into plastic, deleting letters by using sand paper. Bring back
the letter by Appling one of the following things:
1) Warm damp clove powder.
2) Clove oil.
3) Eugenol which in active ingredient in clove oil.
The investigation is to determine which condition like temperature, length of time etc will most reliably bring back the
deleted letters.

report/summary :
-what have I done?
-The main observations/results?
-the main conclusions from your observations/results?


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