Focus on the leadership triangle and its importance in public administration.

Leadership triangle and its importance in public administration.

Subject: Re: Focus on the leadership triangle and its importance in public administration.
1. Demonstrate knowledge of the core mechanisms of public administration
2. Explain how and why different political, economic, legal and social environments impact public administration and policy
3. Delineate challenges to providing public goods and services in a diverse society
4. Evaluate approaches and solutions to solving public administration problems
5. Construct, organize, and communicate information clearly to a variety of audiences by means of oral and written presentation

1. A brief summary of the issue you are targeting: what is the issue and how did this become a public administration “puzzle” (no more than one page).
2. An explanation of why you think this issue is significant in public administration today: who are the key stakeholders, what are the competing interests at work, what challenges do you see in solving this public administration “puzzle.”
3. A recommendation based on your research, experience, and perspective that you developed in assessing this “puzzle;” what, ultimately, should be done in practice to help solve this puzzle.

4. APA Format


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