Information Management and Technology in Nursing

Information Management and Technology in Nursing

Discussion 1:

Read and Review Nursing Essential I: Liberal Education for Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice.

  1. Post one paragraph addressing the following: How does a solid base in liberal education provide the cornerstone for the practice and education of nurses?
  2. Write a second paragraph describing how you met Essential I during the BSN program. Provide specific examples.

Be sure to use in-text citations and cite scholarly reference(s) in APA format.

Discussion 2:

Read and Review Nursing Essential II: Basic Organizational and Systems Leadership for Quality Care and Patient Safety.

  1. Post one paragraph addressing the following: Why are knowledge and skills in leadership, quality improvement, and patient safety necessary to provide high–quality health care?
  2. Write a second paragraph describing how you met Essential II during the BSN program. Provide specific examples.

Be sure to use in-text citations and cite scholarly reference(s) in APA format.

Discussion 3:

Read and Review Nursing Essential III: Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice.

  1. Post one paragraph addressing the following: Why is professional nursing practice grounded in the translation of current evidence into practice?
  2. Write a second paragraph describing how you met Essential III during the BSN program. Provide specific examples.

Be sure to use in-text citations and cite scholarly reference(s) in APA format.

Discussion 4:

Read and Review Essential IV: Information Management and Application of Patient Care Technology.

  1. Post one paragraph addressing the following: Why are knowledge and skills in information management and patient care technology critical in the delivery of quality patient care?
  2. Write a second paragraph describing how you met Essential IV during the BSN program. Provide specific examples.

Be sure to use in-text citations and cite scholarly reference(s) in APA format.

Please reference .ORG pages for full point. Don’t forget in text citation

I can send you an example of another students work for you to have an idea of what I expect from you


I believe a liberal education is very important for the practice and education of nurses. Having a liberal education educates you beyond the sciences and math and makes you a more caring care taker. The liberal part of the liberal education are classes such as sociology, philosophy and humanities. These topics teach you about people and cultures and people that are different from you. Living in America, there are so many different cultures and traditions and it is important to be sensitive to them when you are caring for people. Having a liberal background also helps nurses “engage in ethical reasoning and actions and promote advocacy for their patients” (The American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2008). They also value lifelong learning which will carry over into their home life and nursing practice.

I feel I’ve met/ been educated about Essential 1 many times during the BSN program. For starters, I have learned to not be ethnocentric when caring for patients, and the importance of making them feel comfortable when things might be different from their culture. We also spoke a lot about the importance of being a lifelong learner. In our clinical sites, we often would try to learn a few words in Spanish to try to make our patients a little more comfortable, often times it would bring a smile to their face or a little laugh. During public health, we often spoke about the importance of the community and building trust and relationships with the people.

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2008, October 20).The essentials of baccalaureate education for professional nursing practice. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing. Retrieved from

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Liberal Education for Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice.

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