Discuss a health behaviour I wish to change

Discuss a health behaviour I wish to change

Asessment task Pyscho active subtance and mental health

Health behaviour I wish to change,Short-term goals to achieving this change ,Long-term goals to achieving this change,Positives versus the negatives of changing your behaviour, Impact of changing the behaviour on your health ,Impact of changing the behaviour on your lifestyle.

Assessment 2: Health Behaviour Change Diary Template

As per the assessment 2 criteria, students are to document a health behaviour change diary. With this, you are to come up with a health behaviour they would like to change. Examples include, but are not limited to:increase levels of exercise, consume a healthier diet, increase water intake, quitting smoking.

Assessment Title Assessment 1: Essay – Critique of substance-use interview
Task Description Students will critique (not describe) a videoed substance-use interview (resource provided on the Moodle site in the folder entitled ‘Assessment 1’).
Students will view and then critique the interview in the video on the following elements using the literature
• The interviewer’s initial contact with the person experiencing a substance-use disorder (the ‘interviewee’);
• The level of rapport and respect the interviewer shows tothe interviewee;
• The interviewer’s assessment of the interviewee’s readinessto change;
• The interviewer’s identification of impact of substance use onthe interviewee’s health;
• The interviewer’s identification of impact of substance use onthe interviewee’s lifestyle;
• The interviewer’s identification of other stressors the intervieweemay be experiencing;
• The interviewer’s level of overall engagement with the interviewee;
• The way in which the interviewer concluded (ended) the interview.


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Health Behaviour Change Diary
