Explain the Medical Issues Portrayed by Films

Explain the Medical Issues Portrayed by Films

Essay should reflect your analysis of the medical issues dealt with in the films, the way the films illuminate those issues, as well as your related research. Discuss the following: (1) How does Dallas Buyers Club reveal the struggle of early AIDS activists, as well as the limitations they faced with respect to public policy regarding this devastating epidemic? (2) How does the film, Temple Grandin, explode common misconceptions about autism? (3) How does Concussion bring to light an epidemic that was being covered up? (4) How accurately does Contagion dramatize the danger of a potential world-wide pandemic? How is it similar to the current pandemic and how does it differ from the current one? Explain. For this Essay, students should briefly integrate at least five related, reliable, and retrievable sources other than the required films.

word limit:1878