Evaluate the Application of Freire’s Theory

Evaluate the Application of Freire’s Theory

.Format: Questions: What are the main ideas in Freire’s ’Pedagogy of the Oppressed’?
How can we apply this theory to our own work as activists working towards social justice and
social change?

Length: 900 words
Curriculum Mode: Critical Review

First, answer this question:

1. What are the main ideas of Freire’s ’Pedagogy of the Oppressed’?
Introduce your argument with a brief outline of the aspects of Freire’s writing that you intend
focusing on. This need only be a short paragraph. (200-300 words)
Then, answer the following question:

2. How can we apply Freire’s theory to our own work as activists working towards social
justice and social change? (600- 700 words)
Understanding theories of social change and applying these theories to achieve social justice
is what this unit is all about. You need to think about how to use theory to underpin your

Freire is concerned with social inequality, oppression and how to transform our world.
He urges us to ’unveil oppression and through praxis commit to transformation’ and ’fight to
be human, to take away the oppressor’s power to oppress’.
He encourages us to think about the ways the system creates, reinforces and perpetuates the
power of the oppressors, through dehumanising the oppressed.
The only way society can be transformed is if the oppressed lead the way. We need to
understand and utilise experiences of powerlessness, exploitation and inequality and work
collectively for
transformative action to regain humanity and ultimately freedom.
The recommended readings demonstrate the ways others have been inspired and drawn on
Freire’s work.
In the reading, Smith powerfully demonstrates how First Nations people have taken up this
challenge and are leading us all towards social transformation.
She assists us to think about the ways we can understand colonisation and the impact on First
Nations peoples and how we can listen, join and act towards collective transformation.
The Falzon reading, demonstrates ways of framing our work towards transformation.
These authors are examples that show how you can apply these theories to your own work.

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