Essay- The Use of Free Market in Coronavirus Vaccines atop the Current Priority System

Essay- The Use of Free Market in Coronavirus Vaccines atop the Current Priority System

Six Page Paper

Instructions: Write six pages and no more than six pages (Times New Roman, 12pt type, double-spaced, one-inch margins, headers, footers) on one of the following essay topics.

As a general rule, approximately four pages should be careful and sympathetic exposition of the relevant positions or arguments. Approximately two pages should reflect your critical or reflective engagement with the relevant positions or arguments.

Exposition and critical engagement can be intermingled. But be sure that your crucial discussion comes to at least two pages. The expositional task and the critical task are both essential.

Use helpful examples and apt quotations. Carefully organize the flow of ideas. Above all, strive for clarity.

2.Should there be a free market in coronavirus vaccines atop the current priority system? Present a utilitarian argument in favor it and a non-utilitarian argument against. Is there a non-utilitarian argument in favor of it? Defend your own position. Make your principled basis explicit. Be sure to consider and answer possible objections.

Requirements:No outside sources

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