Essay about family disaster plan assessment.

Essay about family disaster plan assessment.

In the case of an emergency occurrence, individuals need to survive on their own for several days. Preparedness entails the possession of essential commodities, for instance, food and water, besides other supplies with the prospect of lasting a person for 72 hours. A 72-hour disaster home goes bag incorporates the collection of necessary household items crucial for individual survival in the event of an emergency occurrence. The constituents of the kit are often inexpensive and easily accessible items, with the potential of saving a life. Annual climatic changes episodes across the globe, for instance, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and earthquakes, necessitate personal preparedness with adequate emergency plans in place, including the possession of an emergency go-bag. Importantly, the nature of emergency dictates the constituents of the emergency go-bag, besides the prospected location for keeping the bag, and the number of people being packed for.

Items in the Home go Bag

Inclusion of water as a primary constituent of the 72-Hour Disaster Home Go Bag is imperative as individual preparedness cannot be complete without water availability. The underlying survival commodity in times of hardships encompasses water supply. Thus, stocking water can be done through bottles, pouches, or gallons. However, having a portable filtration system is adequate for enhancing water availability as filters carry water better in case of access to running water (Najafi et al., 2015). Contamination can be eliminated through the application of iodine purification tablets, often inexpensive and weightless hence the best alternative to treating contaminated water. Individuals also need to stock food supplies to last at least three days in a non-perishable form. For instance, a person may opt to acquire survival food bars, packed with dense calories. Also, in the home go bag is one flashlight and extra batteries for illumination in primitive dwelling areas. During nights, several tablets of Tylenol/Ibuprofen are also in the pack for pain-relieving purposes along the emergency time.

Personal items are also essential for inclusion, encompassing a roll of tissue paper, a bar of soap, hand sanitizers, and women’s personal hygiene items. Movement through road necessitates possession of a driver’s license and some cash. A cell phone and charger are also crucial, and a few days food and water for pets to enhance their happiness and nutrition in distressing situations. According to Najafi et al. (2017), special consideration for spare clothing should account for the area’s weather patterns to assist in the selection of weather-friendly clothing. The crucial component from the 72-hour home go bag is the first aid kit, vital for minimizing the risk of infection and injury severity.


Demographic Considerations and Potential Disaster Hazards

Massive storms, hurricanes have in the history of its development characterized in Florida and other weather pattern changes that negatively impact human survival, necessitating emergency evacuation in case of occurrence. Preventing natural hazards is not possible, although the damages can be mitigated through disaster preparedness behavior (DPB) (Bertone, 2006). Importantly, multiple factors affect DPB, among them demographics. Aspects of demography, involving age and gender have the likelihood of impacting response to potential disaster hazards in an area of interest hence the absolute need for inclusion of specific items in the home go bag, for instance, pain relievers, particularly for use among the elderly, who have a high prevalence of debilitating conditions requiring pain reliever therapy.

Family, Pets and Living Situation

The family composition comprises of a family of 4 with possession of one dog and one kitten. Possession and addition of driver’s license depict a prospect of automobile possession, while cash availability shows family stability and adequate purchasing power.

Preparedness in Helping Other Community Members in Case of Disaster Occurrence

Disastrous events have the potential of turning ordinary days into a life-threatening situation; hence the presence of disaster preparedness strategies is imperative in enhancing individual safety. With the identification of local disaster needs, public campaigns on awareness promotion can be affected in educating the public on the best appropriate disaster management methods and strategies. Training community members is significant, and the step-by-step approach is beneficial in upgrading their management and plans of action (Najafi et al., 2017).

Lightweight luggage is the most appropriate for inclusion in the 72-hour home go-bag, as carrying too much weight can be tiresome. Additionally, no extra goods should be included, as the pack should only contain the needed amount of supplies. Besides, ensuring luggage security is important as it does contain all survival items in it.


Bertone, F. M. (2006). Community emergency response teams and community disaster planning.

Journal of Emergency Management, 4(1), 36.

Najafi, M., Ardalan, A., Akbarisari, A., Noorbala, A. A., & Jabbari, H. (2015). Demographic

determinants of disaster preparedness behaviors amongst Tehran inhabitants, Iran. PLoS Currents.…

Najafi, M., Ardalan, A., Akbarisari, A., Noorbala, A. A., & Elmi, H. (2017). Salient public

beliefs underlying disaster preparedness behaviors: A theory-based qualitative study. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 32(2), 124-133.

On Fri, May 29, 2020 at 4:59 AM George maina <> wrote:
For this paper you must cite and reference 2 sources. The paper should be 2–3 pages and written using current APA format. Your paper should address the following:

a. How would you prepare for the following situation? (provide realistic examples and details for safety and survival)

(Scenario) At this moment, you are sitting at home working on your WCU class. Suddenly, the National Weather Bureau sends an alert across your cell phone—a tornado is headed your way. You have 15 minutes before touchdown in your neighborhood. What is your plan? This is a ‘shelter in place’ scenario, you cannot outrun the tornado. Identify a safe place in your home to take shelter.

You must include research. Cite and reference two sources and explain the recommended safety measures in a tornado emergency and how you would apply them to your specific living arrangements.

b. How prepared are you in the event of a disaster? Describe your level of disaster preparedness using specific examples and references to your “go-bag” and preparedness checklist assignments.

Example: “I am more prepared for a water-related disaster than a fire-related disaster even though I live in a highly secluded, forested area. I have a boat as transportation in the event of flooding, but I do not have rain barrels or fire barrier supplies on hand.”

Example: “There were many missing items on my preparedness checklist. I realized that I do not own a flashlight. If I had to use my phone as a light it would drain the battery very quickly.

c. Reflect on how prepared you were before this class and compare it with how prepared you are now.

Have you acquired any new emergency items?
Do you plan to take any additional trainings or certification courses?
Have you shared your knowledge with friends and family?

word limit: 700