Distinguish the qualities that produce an effective performance in any medium.

Distinguish the qualities that produce an effective performance in any medium

Learning Objectives:  

  • Distinguish the qualities that produce an effective performance in any medium:  audience engagement and attention; truthfulness and believability; the fulfillment of dramatic function.  

Chapter 3: Your Voice and Speech (June, 2nd)

  • Explore the working of the student’s mechanism, beginning with basic breath support and the production of sound
  • Follow the sound you produce as it is articulated into the sounds produced by the actions of your jaw, tongue, nasal passages, and the other mechanism that produced good articulated speech.
  • Explore the conditions that affect both your voice and speech and express your character and his or her situation


1.  One-Minute Monologue

 A monologue is a scene where only one character speaks and the other character listens.  This time you are going to imagine that other character standing of sitting in front of you.  This is what an actor does every time for an audition.  Look for a one-minute monologue online.  You will find different kinds of free monologues (dramatic, comedic, contemporary, for men, for women, for teens, etc).  Choose one that fits you well.  You are going to audition for the entire class with this monologue.  We just want to see what type of actor you are.  Enjoy and have fun!!

word limit:260