Discussion- Sustainable Marketing

Discussion- Sustainable Marketing

Sustainable Marketing

G.J. Swaniker

Environmental issues have become a major concern for society. Lately there has been a
series of debates, arguments and demonstrations with the aim of pushing governments
and leaders to act on the negative effects of some business practices on the environment.
As marketers, we are supposed to grow our businesses and make profits. We are also
supposed to make sure that the products and services we market to our customers and
the general public are satisfying them not only in terms of their needs, but it also doesn’t
hurt the very environment they live in.

In this project, you are required to research on any company you know whose business
or marketing practices can be deemed as either:
1. ethical (i.e. practicing sustainable marketing) or
2. unethical (i.e. Not practicing sustainable marketing) Meaning the company in
question takes into consideration, environmental issues and the welfare of current
and future society or otherwise.

Critical Issues to Address
1. As part of your work, explain what sustainable marketing is and some of the
principles that governs it practices.
2. Do your research thoroughly and choose a company you are confident falls in this
category of either practicing sustainable marketing or not practicing it.
3. Explain yourself very well to show how well you understand this topic.
4. Show all references.
Key Skills You Will Enhance: Critical Thinking, Research,

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