Discussion- Self care.

Discussion- Self care.

Discussion 1

  1. Personally, self-care means to improve our moods in order to reduce our anxiety. While life is not going the way we expected it to, it is significant to take the time to take care of ourselves, no matter what that means to us since everyone does it differently.
  2. Growing up, I was not taught about self-care and nor was my family. I ended up teaching myself how to take care of myself as I got older.
  3. I do not do anything to self-care. However, my idea of self-care is to pick up extra shifts at work because that is when I am the most relaxed.
  4. I would like to start going out with my friends more often and to start hiking again. I stopped going out with my friends because school and work took most of my time and I deliberately picked up extra shifts. However, hanging out with them again would be nice because I always felt like I had my life together, and now with barely any connections to them, I feel like I bury myself into school and work and I may not be happy as I was before. When I was hiking, I never felt lazy or tired. And now when I just spend most of my night time until the morning doing my schoolwork and sleeping until I have to go to work.
  5. To ensure that I will make time for myself moving forward, I will make plans to hang out with my friends and to hike.

discussion 2

To me self-care means taking time out of your daily life to focus on yourself, whether it is for your mental health or for your physical health. My parents always have practiced self care. They are both very hard workers and realize that you need to take some time for yourself. For my dad he loves to take vacations as is version of self care, my mom also loves to take vacations but she also loves to go get her hair, nails and lashes done. They have taught me that sometimes it is nice to take time for yourself. My dad calls it “a break from life”. For my weekly routine I normally do my school work in the morning and in the afternoon I take time for myself, sometimes I go out with friends or I get my nails, hair or lashes done. To me this is all relaxing and self caring. One thing I would like to add to my self care routine is to start going to the gym to help my physical health. Another thing I would like to add to my routine would be drink more water throughout my day to optimize my health and help get rid of my acne issues. To help ensure I can make time for myself I would have a certain time of the day that is a stopping point to help myself take time for my own needs.

discussion 3

Self care is the process of taking care of one’s own physical and emotional well being.

Growing up, self care wasn’t necessarily a concept. My parents, specifically my mom, would come home from work to take my siblings and I to whatever after school activity we had, make dinner, clean up the house, put us to bed and by the time she was done, it would be 11pm. It wasn’t until my siblings and I got older did they take time for themselves.

For my personal self care, being able to physically do something like a skin care routine, painting my nails or working out helps me stay grounded and focus on being present in my body.

While I primarily focus on my physical well being when it comes to self care, I would like to incorporate more things that involve my emotional well being as well such as random reminders of positive affirmations or setting up a certain amount of time staying away from mirrors.

Setting aside a particular amount of time every week for yourself to do with whatever you please could help to start incorporating self care into your routine.

Requirements: Discussion | 1 pages, Double spaced

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