Discussion responses.

Discussion responses.

Discussion 1:

Reading through the materials is fascinating. The views of the authors are nothing short of spectacular as they have a very different view of the world. Their views don’t conform to the general views of the world. Reading them is easy as the language used is easy to understand and is also interesting. Concentration in this comes naturally as you want to read more to further understand what the authors are communicating. I further liked how the authors were well informed on their topic of discussion as well as how their research is diversified. The facts they have written are facts that the whole world needs to hear. The connection I can make between myself and the authors is the fact that they all appreciate growth. They acknowledge that the world has evolved and things are now done differently even when some people are fighting for things to remain the same.

One of the things that stood out for me is in the question of whether to code-switch or not you can choose to be yourself, switch the dressing, and a little more just to fit in but still remain yourself. You can switch to a suit when required to, for instance, in a work environment and you can switch to casual jeans when watching a game. In both instances, you are still yourself except you are in different environments that require different versions of you. In the material “why people code-switch”, another lesson that stood out is that it is essential to code-switch so you can understand things from other people’s perspectives. For instance, when doing business with someone of a different culture, if you code switch, then the other person will know that you can understand their nature of doing business (Matt, 2013) thus are willing to work with you.

My favorite reading was five reasons why people code-switch. I connected with this reading so much because it generally described something that I do but had a different understanding of it. The famous saying “if you go to Rome do what Romans do” is applicable in every aspect of people’s lives. Each day, I dress up accordingly depending on the events of the day. This is instinctual, it is until I read the article that I understood what I do is called code-switching and why I do it. Code-switching is done by most people when they want to fit into a place or situation (Matt, 2013). It helps people resonate better with the environment they get into and interact with others with much ease. For instance, when going to an interview one will switch to an official dress code otherwise, they will not feel ready for the interview.

My favorite video was “Txting is Killing Language…JK!!” by John McWhorter. This is a video that gives a completely different view of linguistics when it comes to sending text messages. According to John (2013) text messaging is literally writing how we talk. Normally, the language used in text messages is not something that is grammatically correct if put in formal writing but when we send these messages, we understand each other. This is because these messages represent how we would have spoken the message. This is not always grammatically correct. It is just as casual as the speech and is an emerging complexity. Some people especially the ancient writers think it is wrong because of its lack of concern for the existing rules of language (Omar, 2019). However, John argues that being bilingual in writing has cognitive benefits. I connected with this one because I agree that the world has changed and so should the rules of language.

My biggest takeaway moment from week 8 and 9 reading is that if you understand people’s perspectives on life then you will have a broader thinking capacity as well as an open mind. For instance, in the video “The Danger of a Single Story” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie I understood how a one-sided story could be dangerous to people. Once you listen to both sides of the story, only then can you understand a situation and conclude (Chimamanda, 2009). These readings have broadened my mind on different perspectives that life takes. I have learned that doing further research and trying to fit into someone else’s shoes before concluding will always go a long way in helping one conclude different issues. Lastly, I learned that change is inevitable. The world is changing dynamically and we should accept it and incorporate the changes into our daily lives.

Discussion 2:

How did you feel reading through the articles and watching the videos? Were they easy or hard to read/watch? What did you like/dislike about them? What, if any, connections can you make between the experiences of the authors and speakers and your own experiences? (This answer should cover all sources for the week.)

Reading through the sources was easy, as well as watching the videos. The articles were written n simple language that I could comprehend easily. I was able to make some connections between the readings and the videos. One is because I have, in the past, been a victim of a one sided story. Due to the stories I had heard when growing up and what I had seen in the media, I had formed some opinions about some cultures. However, I came to realize this was just some misconceptions, and it is wrong to have a generalized opinion when dealing with people. I got to realize how important language is and how it differs in different cultures. I like that the speakers did give very good examples either in the videos or in the articles to expound on the point that they were addressing. This was evident in all the videos and the articles; for instance, when talking about To Code or Not to Code, Duggins gives an example of how former president Barack Obama codes.

Share at least two points that stood out to you from the materials we’ve covered in Week 8 and 9?

The two things that stood out to me during week eight and week 9 one is the harm that a one-sided story can cause, and the other is on how language shapes our thinking. A one-sided story normally results in people forming some misconceptions about other people, which are not necessarily true. One can end up hating the other culture because of a simple misunderstanding. Language differs from one culture to the other. This means that it differs even in meaning. Cultures, therefore, have different ways of how they go about interpreting their language. The interpretation that people have of something influences their thinking. A good example is when one culture thinks of something as masculine, while the other sees it as feminist. This will influence their thinking even when making comparisons with the item. Having this understanding is important because it lessens the chances of any misunderstanding among people of different cultures.

What was your favorite reading that we read during Weeks 8 and 9? Why did you connect with it so much?

My favorite reading was by Matt Thompson, “Five Reasons Why People Code Switch.” Thompson, in the article, addresses five reasons as to why people code-switch. These include; the need for something, the lizard brain takes over, the need to fit in, the need to say something in secret, and the need to convey a thought. This was my favorite reading because I was able to understand more about code switch and how I have unconsciously applied it in my life without knowing. I have, numerous times, found myself code-switching in order to fit. This is most cases have been unconscious. Also, in some cases, I code-switch so I can be able to express myself well and get what I am looking for. It is also important to be careful when I am code-switching so that I do not lose my personality in the process when I am trying to be like other people.

What was your favorite video that we watched during Weeks 8 and 9? Why did you connect with it so much?

My best video was PBS | “Should We Keep Eating Soul Food?”(Say It Loud). The video relates culture to food and particularly the soul food behind the African American community. The ingredients and cooking techniques represent their identity and the diversity of African American cultures. The video goes further to show how important the ingredients that are put in the food matter. Different cultures have what they call soul food, and if the cooking techniques of the food change, it interferes with the belief of the culture. I was able to relate to this video because it is something that I have seen in my culture. For instance, there are traditions that we follow in my culture, and this entails celebrating some calendar events. In these events, some of the food are always there because they are treasured in the culture. It is also the pride of the women to be preparing these kinds of foods because everyone gets to taste them.

What was your biggest A-HA moment or takeaway? (This can be from any of the sources or involve all of them.)

My biggest takeaway moment from the two weeks is the influence that language has and how it differs from one culture to the other. I was also able to have a better understanding of different cultures within two weeks. I reflected back on how I have experienced what I was reading. Learning more about language has made me appreciates the other cultures, and I have become more understanding. I am now slow to judge other people, especially those of a different culture because their interpretation of some words is maybe different from mine. The two weeks have made me have a better understanding of the way the other people think. It was interesting to learn how language can affect people’s thinking. Not understanding the power of language leads to more misunderstanding that can result in conflicts among people. This is something that I will use, even in my future, and it will help me to be more understanding of other people.

  • Your response to at least TWO classmates should be 150-200 words long and be more than “I agree” or “I like what you said.” Engage in conversation!

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