Discussion paper and annotated feedback on media and crime.

Discussion paper and annotated feedback on media and crime.

There are three parts that you must complete for this assignment:
 Part 1: Discussion paper (summary of your topic from Assignment 1 – 250
 Part 2: Annotated feedback on a sample assignment (covering a different topic –
250 words).
 Part 3: Annotated feedback on a second sample assignment (covering a different
topic – 250 words).
Step 1: Writing your discussion paper
Write a 250 word discussion paper based on your Assignment 1 topic, summarising
your main findings and documenting key issues and impacts on key players in the
criminal justice system.
You can use 5.3 Activity 1: Drafting your discussion paper for assistance as this will
help you break down the key analysis.
Step 2: Providing annotated feedback
Follow the steps below to ensure that you are on track with the annotated feedback
component of this assignment:
1. Once you have submitted your first assignment, your eLA will provide a sample
of assignments covering all three Assignment 1 topics.
2. Review two sample assignments (provided by your eLA) covering topics distinct
from your Assignment 1 topic. For example, if you wrote your analytical essay on
the courts (topic 2), then you will need to review one paper on restorative justice
(topic 3), and review one paper on politics, law and order and media
representations (topic 1) to ensure you are engaging with all three topics for this
3. Then, develop annotated feedback notes on each of these two sample essays
(approximately 250 words on each paper). Articulate the key points that you think
each essay has highlighted, and state how these points interact with other topics,
including your own.
4. Identify the sample assignment number you have used in your annotated
feedback (e.g. 'I reviewed sample assignment 3 on 'restorative justice'…). Note
the sample essays are provided to give you an opportunity to engage with other
elements of the criminal justice system, and you must take care to summarise
these essays in your own words, and not copy in whole or in part.
You can use 5.4 Activity 2: Drafting your annotated feedback to assist you with
completion of your two annotated feedback notes.
Step 3: Submitting your assignment
Your final submission should include all three parts:
 Part 1: Discussion paper (summary of your topic from Assignment 1 – 250

 Part 2: Annotated feedback on a sample assignment (covering a different topic –
250 words).
 Part 3: Annotated feedback on a second sample assignment (covering a different
topic – 250 words).

word limit: 345