Discussion: Chromosome Number Abnormalities

Discussion: Chromosome Number Abnormalities

In this module, you are learning about the cell cycle, mitosis and meiosis. While the chapter describes how meiosis normally proceeds, it is important to note that mistakes can happen. Let’s look at the animal life cycle for example. Sometimes mistakes can happen in the way the duplicated chromosomes are separated and this can lead to gametes (sex cells: eggs and sperm) that contain more or less of a particular chromosome. Non-disjunction is the failure of chromosome pairs or sister chromatids to separate properly.

As you can imagine whether this happens during the first division of meiosis or the second, the event changes the total chromosome number for a given gamete. An example of one syndrome related to chromosome number abnormality is Down Syndrome and there are others as well. For this discussion board, address the following components:

Describe the effect of a nondisjunction event in the first division and one in the second in your own words.

Choose a syndrome that results from nondisjunction.

For the syndrome: Describe the specific anomaly, the affects that are known, any factors that may increase the occurrence of this abnormality, and the percent of the population that demonstrate this chromosome number abnormality.

Please do not forget to find at least two credible scientific sources and cite them properly. If you have any questions regarding your source, whether it is or is not a credible scientific source, or if you have any questions on how to cite within the work, at the end of the work, or when to use direct quotations, please contact your instructor. The title of your thread should be the name of the syndrome you will discuss.

Requirements: 7-10 Sentences   |   .doc file

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