Discussion about Atom Models and Radioactive Decay

Discussion about Atom Models and Radioactive Decay.

1) Atom Models

Our understanding of the atom has increased as new discoveries were made. Models are a useful way to represent theories and provide a means for testing them through experimentation. Models are a very useful tool, but they also have limitations.

*** The model of the atom, from a tiny indestructible sphere to the quantum model of the atom, has evolved over time due to scientific discoveries. Choose at least three models of the atom and describe them. How do the models explain physical phenomena? What does the model explain that earlier models did not? What are the limitations of the model? What do they fail to explain?

2) Radioactive Decay

Radioactive decay occurs when an unstable atomic nucleus becomes more stable by emitting radiation and losing energy. There are several kinds of radioactive decay, including alpha, beta and gamma decay, positron emission and electron capture.

*** Pick three of these types of decay and describe how they occur, the particles involved in each and an example of each type. Compare the ionizing power and penetrating power of the products and how the reactions occur in nature or are used by humans for some useful purpose.

.doc file | Discussion | 1.5 pages, Double spaced

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Atom Models, Radioactive Decay

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