Discuss the Role of Property in Locke’s Philosophical Thought

Discuss the Role of Property in Locke’s Philosophical Thought

Instructions: Choose ONE of the following topics. Write an essay on the questions it

raises, trying to produce a single, integrated paper with a clearly developed line of

argument, even though the topic may consist of several distinct quotations and questions.

Support your argument with lots of evidence from the required reading by providing page

or chapter references, but do not use long quotations. Essays should be 4-6 pages long,

double-spaced, using a 12 pt. font and one-inch margins. Also, be sure to consult my

“Helpful Hints on Papers” (available on EEE) when thinking about the appropriate form,

structure and content of your essay. If you wish to write on another topic, check with me

(or your TA, Katelyn Kelly) first. Keep in mind that you are not required to agree with

the views expressed in the questions and quotations; indeed, you are encouraged to

think critically about them.

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