Discuss the oреrаtiоns strаtеgy used in the mаnufасturing industry

Discuss the oреrаtiоns strаtеgy used in the mаnufасturing industry

You should address all the elements covered by the model.
• Try to make recommendations you feel will improve the situation at April Pumps under each of the elements.
• In particular for Performance Measurement you should include at least one performance measure in each of the perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard for each of the two product ranges. In all cases provide a robust justification for why the decisions you make are appropriate, and why the performance measures you select are not only a good performance measure generally, but why it is specifically appropriate to drive the performance and behaviors required by this product family.

e.g for production and control planning April pumps could use the make to order strategy as it better utilizes resources and keeps inventory at a low etc

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