Discuss The Hispanic Category in the US

Discuss The Hispanic Category in the US

Discuss the meaning of the “Hispanic” category in the US, and recount the history of the term “Hispanic,” since it was first used as an official minority designation in 1976, to its current use as a pan-ethnic identity. First, describe the origins of the term as an official minority designation approved by the US Congress, and recount the attempts to measure the Hispanic population in the US censuses (1980, 1990, and 2000.) Then, discuss the differences in self-identification between foreign-born and US-born Hispanics, and explain why the children of immigrants tend to self-define as Hispanics more than their parents. Reflect on the use of the Hispanic identity as both a racial and an ethnic category. Finally, comment on the challenges the Hispanic category faces to solidify its status as a pan-ethnic identity fostering cross-cultural solidarity among different Latino communities.

Write your answer as a short essay of about 300 words. It is suggested that you structure your essay as follows:

1– one introductory paragraph where you mention what is at stake in the Hispanic identity (it was introduced as a legal fiction to designate a new minority group; yet now it is used as a pan-ethnic identify by the children of immigrants.)

2– one paragraph where you describe the origins of the term as an official minority designation approved by the US Congress, and recount the attempts to measure the Hispanic population in the US censuses (1980, 1990, and 2000.)

3– one paragraph where you discuss the differences in self-identification between foreign-born and US-born Hispanics, and explain why the children of immigrants tend to self-define as Hispanics more than their parents. Reflect on the use of the Hispanic identity as both a racial and an ethnic category.

4– one concluding paragraph where you summarize your main points and comment on the challenges the Hispanic category faces to solidify its status as a pan-ethnic identity fostering cross-cultural solidarity among different Latino communities.

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