Discuss sexual harassment in business

Discuss sexual harassment in business

Six articles about sexual harassment in business .I only need reference and some snippets from the article

There are some example. I need APA format like that.

1)“Most sexual harassment is not reported because the women is embarrassed, fears the loss of her job, or thinks she won’t be believed.”

Zook, R. (2000). Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. The American Journal of Nursing, 100(12), 24

2)“Despite the lack of a clear definition as to what exactly constitutes sexual harassment, there is a large number of women who do understand what sexual harassment is and what it feels like to be harassed”

Crain, K., & Heischmidt, K. (1995). Implementing Business Ethics: Sexual Harassment. Journal of Business Ethics, 14(4), 301.

3)Women have also feared that if sexual harassment by the customer is reported, it may indicate that they are unable to handle their job responsibilities. Therefore they decided to “grin and bear it.”

Swift, C., & Kent, R. (1994). Sexual Harassment: Ramifications for Sales Managers. The Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 14(1), 77-87.

4) “I like the Twitter campaign #yesallwomen, which is intended to remind men (and women) that no one believes all men are sexual harassers, but that all women do experience harassment in their careers.”

Johnson, S., Keplinger, K., Kirk, J., & Barnes, L. (18 July, 2019). Has Sexual Harassment at Work Decreased Since #MeToo?, https://hbr.org/2019/07/has-sexual-harassment-at-work-decreased-since-metoo

5) “A survey conducted by Challenger, Gray and Christmas, Inc., a Chicago-based career consulting firm, found that 52 percent of the companies surveyed eight months after the start of the #MeToo movement said they were reviewing their sexual harassment policies. Of these, 58 percent said they updated them.”

Hayes, H. (2019, January 17). Is Time Really Up for Sexual Harassment in the Workplace? Companies and Law Firms Respond., https://www.americanbar.org/groups/diversity/women/publications/perspectives/2018/december-january/is-time-really-for-sexual-harassment-the-workplace-companies-and-law-firms-respond/

6) “Research shows that power imbalances are a risk factor for sexual harassment, which can also affect one’s ability to report it. Employees in lower-paying positions or less formal work environments may be particularly vulnerable — especially women.”

Hensley, L. (2020, February 13). A Toronto startup folded after a sexual harassment claim. This is the woman who spoke out., https://globalnews.ca/news/6499207/planswell-sexua...

The purpose of this exercise is not only reading a little about a particular subject, but also facilitating electronic search skills, exposure to online research resources, group communication and developing collaboration techniques with others. You will form a team of 4-5 individuals for this assignment where you will be asked to:

1) Pick a timely Human Resource (employee or personnel) topic (such as gender bias, discrimination, salary levels, cyber loafing, sexual harassment, etc.);

2) Find “quotables” about your topic from on-line resources—see below for details on what a “quotable” is.

3) Produce a memo with an introductory paragraph explaining your topic and a list of quotables with proper citations and references.

For more detailed instructions, see below:

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sexual harassment

Word limit : 406