Describe the impact of teamwork and collaboration.

Describe the impact of teamwork and collaboration.

Personal Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) assessment gives the associate a new perspective of
how well the associate is doing, where challenges lie and which avenues to pursue for their career goals. SWOT analysis
helps the associate become the best version of themselves because self-assessment is a key activity in striving to achieve a
sense of one’s personal best.
Associate Strengths: These are the traits or skills that set you apart from others. Ask yourself: What are you good at naturally?
What skills have you worked to develop? What are your talents, or natural-born gifts? How strong is your network of
connections? What do other people see in your strengths? What values and ethics set you apart from your peers?
I believe my strengths include
– Convincing
– Memorization.
-Situational Awareness
Being a pilot in command requires a leading personality. The pilot in command is responsible about all the
passenger and he is the final authority to make a decision. One of the most important skills the pilot has to
have are memorization skills because the pilots need to memorize weather reports and clearances that they
get from air traffic controllers.

Associate Weaknesses: These are the traits or skills that set you apart from others. Ask yourself: What are your negative work
habits and traits? Does any part of your education or training need improving? What would other people see as your
weaknesses? Where can you improve? What are you afraid to do or most likely to avoid? What negative feedback about your
personality or work habits have you received?
Some of my weaknesses include:
– I occupy myself with hard work regardless of the time I have
– Perfectionist.
– I exert efforts twice as hard as my colleagues.

In aviation world there is no place for mistakes and every mistake could cost hundreds of lives. Being a
perfectionist is exhausting for me but it’s good for a field like aviation field. Being a perfectionist requires a
hard work and that’s what deal with in my life.


Associate Opportunities: Look at the external factors you can take advantage of to pursue a promotion, find a new job or
determine a career direction. Ask yourself: What is the state of the economy? Is your industry growing? Is there new technology
in your industry? Is there new demand for a skill or trait you possess? What are the biggest changes occurring in the current
business environment? Have customers or co-workers given you feedback about new services you could provide, or ways to
improve your manner?
Some of my opportunities include:
– Networking.
– Experience abroad.
– Getting Feedback from Former employer.
I can use my socializing skills to expand my networking and meet former pilots with Saudi Airlines to tell me
about the work nature. Getting experience from former employees is going to improve me in my career,
especially when I get feedback from coworker who have a long experience working with the airline.

Associate Threats: Look at the threats to your career growth or hurt your chances to attain your goals. Ask yourself: Is your
industry contracting or changing directions? Is there strong competition for the types of jobs for which you are best suited? Do
your weaknesses inhibit your ability to rise in your company or change jobs? What is the biggest external danger to your goals?
Are there any new professional standards you cannot meet? Are there any new technology, education or certification
requirements that will impede your progress?
Some of my threats include:
Personal Health.
– Transportation Development.
– Removal from Employment.
As a pilot I have to take care of my personal health to stay fit to fly when I do my medical examinations. For
me, I used to take care of my health by eating good and going to the gym and exercising to prevent myself
from getting diabetes or any health issue, which will most likely affect my career with the airlines.
Associate Strategy or Course of Action by Matching or Converting: Matching means connecting two of the categories to
determine a course of action. Converting is to turn negatives into positives or weaknesses into strengths and treats to
•Take on fewer responsibilities and stay focus
•Balance priorities
•Be more organized
•Develop experience in my career field

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