Describe the difficulty in completing a merger of equals between Lafarge and Holcim

Describe the difficulty in completing a merger of equals between Lafarge and Holcim

Read: “Cementing a Merger of Equals between Lafarge and Holcim Has Been Difficult” on pages 231-232. Prepare a 4 to 6 page APA formatted paper (with six peer-reviewed sources for support):

Answer questions:

1. Of the “Reasons for Acquisitions” discussed in the chapter, which reasons are the primary drivers of Lafarge-Holcim merger strategy?

2. Given that there have been performance difficulties of this “merger of equals,” which of the “Problems in Achieving Acquisition Success” do you believe have most likely affected this deal?

3. The new CEO, Jan Jenisch, has undertaken a restructuring strategy. Why do you think the market reacted negatively to this plan?

4. What would you suggest the firm do to improve it restructuring plan and ultimately its poor performance?

***will provide all the additional materials ***

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lafarge and Holcim Merger

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