Creating a Win to Win Policy

Creating a Win to Win Policy

Draft a discussion post with the perspective of yourself in a policy analyst role, and reflect on the analyst’s view of power

Write a discussion post of about two paragraphs minimum. With proper formatting and references.

Do you think, it is possible to create a win-win policy, that would recognize the interest of all the stakeholders? While crafting your discussion post, put yourself in a policy analyst role, and reflect on the analyst’s view of power mentioned in table 1-1 of chapter 1 (Clemons & McBeth, 2020). Which view of power (ideal democracy, representative democracy, pluralism, elitism) you would endorse while conducting a policy analysis concerning a public problem. Apart from the chapter reading, utilize the two uploaded videos: (1) Pluralism, Polarization, and the Common Good, and (2) How Coronavirus is Changing the World as supporting materials to craft your discussion post.
Requirements: .doc file

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