Confucian and Shinto Texts

Confucian and Shinto Texts

But I asked you to write about 6 texts (( but you write about Benevolence in Confucian and Beginning of Heaven and Earth in Shinto ))

Can you please write why you did not like (( Goodness of Human Nature and Weaver-Maiden and the Herdsman in Confucian )) and (( Rituals to the Sun-Goddess and Emperor Yuryaku and the Woman Akawi-ko in Shinto)).

as I asked in point 2 on the question

  1. Address the reasons why the other two readings were not, in your assessment, as representative.
In the booklet**I attached the booklet it called Scared texts*** you will find “Three Confucian texts” and “Three Shinto texts”.

For each of the religious systems: Please you should write about 6 texts: 3 for Confucian and 3 for Shinto

  1. Select one of the texts and explain why you have chosen it as most representative of the religious system;
  2. Address the reasons why the other two readings were not, in your assessment, as representative.
  3. You MAY NOT use outside sources to make your case. Limit yourself to the text itself and your textbook.
  4. Please Do not summarize unless necessary to make a point.
  5. Formulate reflective ***I attached file regards this point ***and use textual citations to defend your assertions.
  6. FORMATTINGCalibri 11pt; double-spacing; 2 ENTIRE pages (minimum and maximum) with bibliography on a third page.Use in-text citations for direct quotes from sacred texts (Book Chapter: Verse; e.g. Jb 38: 4), and Chicago Manual of Style (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for all other textual references. No double-spacing in footnotes.
  7. No cover page or headers, please.


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