Conflict Resolution Workshop and Rapid Research

Conflict Resolution Workshop and Rapid Research

 Choose a specific example of a conflict involving direct, structural and/or cultural violence. The example chosen for analysis should relate to one of the key issues covered during the course, such as international security, political economy, religion, the environment, Indigenous or gender issues.
Analyze the challenges and opportunities for promoting peace with justice in this context. Opportunities for promoting peace with justice may include advocacy, activism, education, social movements, nonviolence, feminist approaches, conflict transformation, community projects, etc.
In your essay you should apply theories, concepts and methods relevant to peace and conflict studies such as theories of violence, conflict resolution, peace movements or nonviolence. 
Present your argument in a formal essay style, with an introduction and conclusion, full referencing and a bibliography at the end of the essay.
The maximum word limit is 3500 words; footnotes and appendices are not normally included in the word count. Some research and reading beyond the unit of study “required readings” is necessary for this assignment, but the main conceptual underpinnings for your essay must be the theories and concepts explored in this unit.
Criteria for assessment:
1.    Evidence of research and understanding of the nature and context of the issue or topic chosen for analysis;
2.    Application of theories and concepts from PACS to explain and analyze the issue;
3.    Analysis of method/s or approaches to promoting peace with justice;
4.    Intelligent and coherent argument and analysis;
5.    Evidence of reflective and critical reading of appropriate academic sources;
6.    Inclusion of full academic referencing and a bibliography;
7.    Clear presentation and structure;
8.    Within the word limit (essays exceeding the word limit will be penalized).

word limit:4000