Comprehensive discussion about corona virus.

Comprehensive discussion about corona virus.

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to gain a better understanding of the current COVID-19 pandemic
though the scope of biological science and how this understanding can help explain the current public health
measures used to try to mitigate this disease. Why we are online and many of you are working VERY hard.
Directions: Use these two links to learn about the science of the current COVID-19 respiratory illness and the
virus that causes this infection. As you work through the information in each of these links, please answer the
questions below. When you formulate your answers place your answers in the space following the questions and
return by blackboard. Try to make your answers clear but concise. If you can, type in a different color so I can
easily find your answers.
LINK 1: Watch the first minute or two of the following YouTube video and answer the questions that follow. It is a good overview of information for us to review.
A) The proper name of the COVID-19 virus is called SARS-CoV-2. Please explain what
these terms mean. For example, what does “COVID” or “CoV” stand for and what does
the “19” indicate?

B) What does SARS stand for? What does the “2” indicate” in the name as listed in A (give
a full explanation for the name SARS-CoV-2) ?

C) What does the term corona virus mean, what is the structure of the virus that gives it the
name corona?

D) Give examples of other diseases causes by corona viruses?

LINK 2: Scroll slowly and read through the following infographic from the New York Times (you do not need a
subscription) and answer the questions that follow. Important, also read the embedded link HOW SOAP
To help with understanding the corona virus, review what was learned from studying viruses in chapter 13 of
lecture. You can get most of this information from the NYT link too.
Classification of viruses is based upon
– Nucleic acid type
– Single strand vs. double strand chromosome
– Positive and negative sense single strand (RNA)
– Enveloped versus “naked “

Specifically, RNA families are distinguished by:
– Nucleic acid content

• Single or double stranded
• One (+) sense RNA or one (–) sense RNA molecule
• Two copies of (+) sense RNA or small segments of (–) sense RNA
• Segmented dsRNA

– Capsid shape
– Presence or absence of envelope
E) So, what nucleic acid is found in COVID-19?
F) Therefore, is the chromosome single or double stranded?
G) Is it positive or negative strand?
H) Does COVID-19 have an envelope? (look in the pictures on the link and look at how it
enters cells) What is an envelope made from, what types of molecules?
I) To follow up on question C above, what is the molecule that makes the spikes on
Lets review what we learned about viral replication when the T even bacteriophages were
studied. The steps include:
– Adsorption
– Penetration
– Synthesis
– Maturation
– Release
J) Describe what the ACE2 protein is and its role in how SARS-CoV-2 (the COVID-19
virus) enters cells (what step would this be in the replication process just described?)
K) Describe how this virus will penetrate a human cell

L) How does synthesis of the new virus occur (what is contributed by the virus, what is
contributed by the host cell? What does the viral RNA cause the host cell to do?
M) Describe the process of assembly
N) Describe the release step, how many viruses are released from each cell.
O) How does the infected person’s immune response, as it is trying to rid the body of the
virus, actually cause the symptoms related to a COVID-19 infection?

P) And how do these symptoms of a COVID-19 infection actually help to spread this

Now knowing a little bit about the structure of SARS-CoV-2, how does handwashing with soap destroy the
virus? View the link near the end of the infographic, also added here to find out.
Q) How does soap destroy, trap or kill the corona virus? Would soap be able to kill all
viruses or is there a special feature that leads to the corona virus being destroyed. (review
question H)

R) Define Emerging disease
Would corona virus be defined as an emerging disease? Why or why not

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