Committee Leadership in Organizational Performance Appraisal

Committee Leadership in Organizational Performance Appraisal

Write a short paper (4-6 pages, APA format) based on a visit/virtual visit to a place that is out of your comfort zone. Choose a place to visit where you will not feel entirely comfortable, and after the visit, will write a paper describing the experience. Some example choices include: a mosque; a temple (Jewish, Buddhist, etc.); white, black, or Hispanic meeting; a gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBTQ) gathering; spending all day without speaking (to experience a disability firsthand); or going through the intake process at a homeless shelter, among others.

You must include the following sections in your paper:

1) Introduction—include why you chose this particular experience that you’re writing about as well as the details of when and where it took place;
2) Your thoughts, feelings, apprehensions, and preconceived notions prior to the experience;
3) A detailed description of the experience, including your thoughts and feelings throughout, interactions with others, etc;
4) Any –isms you noticed or experienced;
5) What you learned from the experience and how this experience will impact your future practice; and
6) Conclusion.

❍ With respect to COVID and the need for social distancing this assignment can be based on

1) A new experience as described above
2) A previous experience where you visited a place out of your comfort zone.

word limit:1425