
Discuss from a sociological perspective the difference between race andethnicity, along with the terms prejudice, racism and scapegoat.

Discuss from a sociological perspective the difference between race andethnicity, along with the terms prejudice, racism and scapegoat. In Chapter 12 of your textbook and the videos presented on Blackboard,race and ethnicity are presented in detail. When looked at from asociological perspective, the concepts of race and ethnicity and theconsequences of these terms are far … Read more

Writing Compliance Procedures on  hand-washing and use of fire extinguisher)

Writing Compliance Procedures on  hand-washing and use of fire extinguisher) As a continuation to examining your policies, review for procedures that may relate to them. Requirements: See instructions Grading Rubric: – Met all proficiency criteria, plus assignment was well organized , flowed logically, with clarity enriched content with appropriate information, and correctly cited at least three … Read more

What is Kohler’s model of discrimination?

What is Kohler’s model of discrimination? Question: What is Kohler’s model of discrimination learning and why is it significant? I attached my textbook pages, those pages should be the primary reference source. Please use proper APA citation. The word count should be 500 words or more. This is the textbook title: Learning: Principles and ApplicationsStephen … Read more

Dispute settlements

Dispute settlements John, Lesa, and Trevor form a limited liability company. John contributes 60 percent of the capital, and Lesa and Trevor each contribute 20 percent. Nothing is decided about how profits will be divided. John assumes that he will be entitled to 60 percent of the profits, in accordance with his contribution. Lesa and … Read more

What does religious traditions say about how to greet and treat human immigrants.

What does religious traditions say about how to greet and treat human immigrants. what is your own family’s migration story? View the linked video on forced displacement: “Global Trends 2015 Video,” United Nations High Commissioner for trends-2015-video(time:0.50:00). how does hearing the stories and viewing the faces behind the statistics help you develop your own … Read more

Critical Thinking Activity – Decision Making on Contraceptives

Critical Thinking Activity – Decision Making on Contraceptives Informed decision making Activity The chapters you are studying in this section are very important and useful especially for your sexual health. Please read the scenario that is given below and provide the best answer for which contraceptive might be the right one for Veronica and John. … Read more

Spirituality Journal

Spirituality Journal Journal 3 instruction Take some time for self reflection complete the following spiritual assessment. Did you learn anything new about yourself? What do I believe in? What makes me smile? what gives me life meaning? What is my favorite part of creation? What do I hope for? What Do I love and who … Read more

Journal Article Summary that relates to social psych topic.

Journal Article Summary that relates to social psych topic. Journal Article Summary Instructions You will complete 1 Journal Article Summary that relates to the Social Psych Topic. You will read the article and then summarize the article in approximately 350 words or more. Make sure that you include: Title and authors of the article Why … Read more

Discuss the Magical and Historical Use of Objects

Discuss the Magical and Historical Use of Objects For this Unit Project, you will write a fiction piece that falls into the categories of fantasy (due to its potential magical elements) and historical fiction (because it is based on the factual historical ethic of Chivalry). For your Apply, develop a one-paragraph response of 200-250 words … Read more