Business project planning

Business project planning

Project name: Food supply e-commerce
Only do part1 A and C, see the pdf document page 1 to 7 and page 17.
P1A: Setting up the team
First, you should review and apply the GROUPWORK 101 support material presented at . As a minimum, please:
• Establish a timeline indicating your scheduled group meetings and the tasks you plan to
work on (see for an
example table) covering activities for Part 1 and Part 2 of this assignment, and
• agree on a group charter (see
an example) that your team will abide by during your work on the semester project.
Please build on the examples given – but do NOT simply copy them. The timeline and charter
need to be specific to your group and your circumstances.
Make sure you clearly identify who in your team is responsible for what. While every student
is to participate in all tasks, each task typically should have a student assigned as the leader
for that task.
The timeline and the group charter are to be included in your project in the Team Overview
section of your report.
C give 10-12 activities
P1C: Defining key activities
Each student should define/describe his/her 10 to 12 chosen activities that need to be
implemented within the chosen project. The activity description needs to include:
Activity ID, Activity Name, Description, Assumed Duration, Required Work Resources
including number of units, Estimated Cost (in AUD!)
As resources, only general work resource classes are to be used. Do not be too specific (e.g.
each individual worker), nor too general (e.g. having just one resource called “worker”).
Make it
clear how many work resources of each type are required.
The following table structure is to be used for defining the activities:

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