Boss Two: Edible Ethnography

Boss Two: Edible Ethnography

Think about Dempsey, Bourdain, Choi, and Rao, and how they describe how a particular food means

more to them than a simple meal. Then think about your own life and experiences. And then…

Write about a time that a particular food, or an experience with food, changed your perspective OR

how a particular food or style of food reflects something about your identity OR

maybe both, if it’s appropriate

You can (and should) imitate techniques and strategies from everything we’ve read, but choose your

general structure from the following essays:

Tejal Rao, “I Ate Mall Pizza and Fell In Love With America”

Anthony Bourdain, “Food is Good”

Bobbi Dempsey, “The Tyranny and the Comfort of Government Cheese”

Jennifer Hope Choi, “No Vacation Is Complete Without a Cooler Full of Gimbap”

Purpose: To inform your audience about how food has, in some way, changed your life. To do this,

build your ethos. To do that, be specific and detailed.

Imagine that your audience is someone who is not familiar with your experience(s) or background,

and might need a little educating to make the story make sense.

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