Article Reflection and Responses

Article Reflection and Responses

The BBC has a good article that relates to our class: Coronavirus: How can society thrive post-pandemic? (Links to an external site.)

Please read through the articles and comment/reflect on some or several of them. Post your thoughts on this article or one of the following ones (80 points). Post your reply to others for more extra credit (20 points), include any commentary on how your communications have changed (maximum 100 points for this activity).

If you want a greater understanding of the issue, this is part of a broader series from BBC on “Unknown Issues.” The work related ones are especially relevant to us in CBA. Description and links below.

How will people change and grow in the wake of the pandemic?

We don’t yet know the answer – and, in some respects, we don’t even know the right questions to ask. That’s why we’ve been surveying dozens of global thought leaders, doers and thinkers for our special Unknown Questions series (Links to an external site.), in which we’re unearthing the biggest questions we should be asking as we move toward a post-pandemic society.

In this edition, we look at how the virus will continue to test our mental strength and relationships, aggravate existing inequalities in society, push for greater sustainability and demand new ways for us to thrive in 2021 and beyond.



I will send a comment of others to reply to.

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The BBC has a good article that relates to our class: Coronavirus: How can society thrive post-pandemic? (Links to an external site.)
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