Account on Improving Organizational Behavior through Recruitment Process.

Account on Improving Organizational Behavior through Recruitment Process.

Organization behavior for a firm

Please read the information that given and then write one page to answer question number 3 ( What specific action steps should the organization take to solve the problem? What changes should be implemented?) You can use all the information from the internet.

1)What is the nature of the problem?

  • (Pre-covid) New hire retention?
    • (120 day retention)
    • Causes:
      • Enterprise is usually a quick process from application to orientation: 3 weeks vs. maybe the average(?) few months turnaround hiring time for other organizations/ companies
      • Left Enterprise Job for other “first choice” jobs (Survey Monkey, Gov. Jobs, etc…)
      • (People would accept Enterprise job bc it was fast, then many left when their “first choice” jobs would get back to them later)
      • Not doing a good enough time in the interview process. First month or so in the terminations or people who quit because of the realities of the job.
      • Needed more realistic descriptions of the jobs (look online and case studies)

      2)How can OB concepts be applied and extended to solve the problem?

    • -Interview training with level 2 which are hiring managers and did interview training, formalized the interview process and had to check off information with the hiring manager for observation. Faster with the offer and reflects on the position and follows up with them etc.
    • -Make sure the candidates know exactly what they are doing
    • -4 months and 120 days retention improved. -Every year going forward they look at 4 months retention to see if they hired the right person.

3) What specific action steps should the organization take to solve the problem? What changes should be implemented?

word limit:385