Explain implementation of customer service strategies of ABC Manufacturing Company

Explain implementation of customer service strategies of ABC Manufacturing Company

The customer service survey will be conducted among a sample population of ABC Manufacturing Company customers through Snowballing technique. Because it would be practically impossible to survey all the customers, the available customers, especially those near the company premises, would be approached with the questionnaires, requested to fill and recommend another customer who might be of help.

Alternatively, the simple questionnaires would be personally delivered to the customers at random. Small papers detailing the names of customers in close proximity to ABC Manufacturing Company would be put in a container, mixed up and some employees requested to pick a designated number of papers, 40. The picked papers would be a representative sample of all the customers that would respond. The filled questionnaires would then be studied carefully by a select group of individuals and the issues addressed by the customers randomly selected.

In line with the current happenings at the company, I would expect the customers to respond with a lot of sincerity. Regarding the low sales volume, I would expect some of the customers to address our service delivery, including the physical delivery of all the goods ordered. Regarding the etiquette of sales staff and all the other employees, I would expect all the customers to state whether the employee attitudes, people relations and efficiency, or lack thereof, was something that needed to be improved. I would encourage the customers to fill the questionnaires by offering some incentives to attract them. I would also recommend that they only fill the name section only if they were comfortable.

The results of this survey would be very instrumental in the steps the company is expected to take in order to increase the turnover through increased sales. Where the customers site dissatisfaction with any of the aspects in the questionnaire, the company would aspire to meet all the costs and improve on service delivery, including training of staff, in order to maintain and improve the image of the company among both existing and prospective customers


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