Effective strategies of interpersonal communication

Effective strategies of interpersonal communication

Journal Entry #1: Intro to Interpersonal Communication

Based on Chapter 1 (Intro to Interpersonal Comm), Lectures: Communication Process, Interpersonal Communication, Electronically-Mediated Communication, Communication Apprehension

1. What changes have taken place in your relationship with your Partner? In what ways have your interpersonal communication skills (or those of                     your Partner) changed or improved? How have those changes affected the relationship? What changes still need to occur in YOUR interpersonal

communication skills to further improve the relationship? How about in your Partner’s interpersonal communication skills?

2. Which communication model best describes your typical communication with your Partner? Analyze a recent interaction (phone conversation, text

message, face-to-face, email interchange, etc.) and apply the elements of the communication model to it. What insights can you draw from this?

3. How does your relationship with your Partner meet the definition of interpersonal communication? Why did you choose this relationship over any

other you have? What aspects do you want to focus on for improvement(yourself and/or the relationship)? How motivated are you to make                    changes in yourself and your communication behavior? Why?

4. Analyze the role electronically-mediated communication plays in your relationship with your Partner. Do you communicate differently based upon

the channel? Has the role of EMC changed as your relationship with your Partner has progressed? Are there ways you can be more effective using         this channel?


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