Land Subsidence and Sea Level Rise in the Bay Area

Land Subsidence and Sea Level Rise in the Bay Area

Part 1 – The topic of Week 8 is California’s Pristine Waterscape before human interference. The assignment this week addresses how ongoing human activities are predicted to dramatically change part of California’s landscape. Read this article from the New York Times, March 7, 2018, “More of the Bay Area Could Be Underwater in 2100 Than Previously Expected”.…

Write a summary of at least 150 words of the NYT article. Make sure you address how both rising sea levels and land subsidence threaten low-lying urban areas. Make sure to mention the reasons for predicted rising sea levels and land subsidence. What, if anything, do you think could or should be done about this threat?

Part 2 – Answer the following question.1. List five ways that California’s pristine (original, unspoiled) water landscape has changed from the past to what it is today. Example: Buena Vista Lake is now dry and no longer found in the San Joaquin Valley.

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Land Subsidence and Sea Level Rise in the Bay Area

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